When living in a country, you may overlook its unique traits. Only upon traveling do these differences truly stand out. A user inquired, "What seemed typically American only after going abroad?" Check out the responses!
"In the UK and France big vehicles like 4x4s and Suburbans are rare," says a user. Americans love the big, bold spirit of trucks and SUVs. They symbolize freedom and rugged individualism. But travel reveals a world beyond these giant vehicles.
"Paying for toilets! I learned this in Greece. It's more common in the US due to its individualistic, consumer-driven society," says a user. Free public restrooms, funded by taxation, can cause culture shock in the US.
"In NZ, I couldn't find cheese-flavored chips or Cheez-its. Instead, they had chicken chips," says a user. In the US, cheese snacks like Cheetos, Doritos, and Cheez-Its are common. Other countries favor different flavors.
"We're more addicted to paper towels than oil," says a user. Travelling exposes Americans to places where paper towels aren't common, resulting in alternative methods. This highlights how much we take them for granted.