"Not all 'healthy' foods are truly good for you. The question was recently posed in a forum: “What 'healthy' junk food have you unknowingly been eating?” Here are the top answers. "
"I always thought fruit juice was just fruit & water, so I drank it daily. Turns out, I was consuming loads of sugar, possibly heavy metals & pesticides. [source]"
"Used to eat Cliff bars till I saw their sugar content. Finding a healthy protein bar was tough. Now, I prefer RX bars as they have the lowest sugar without being artificial."
"Stopped consuming sugar-free items, watched my natural sugar intake and felt better with easier weight loss. Don't understand the science, just personal experience."
"Diet drinks like Diet Coke seemed healthy, but Aspartame and Sucralose disrupted my gut, led to addiction to zero-calorie sweeteners and made me crave real sugar."
"Oat milk contains canola oil, which I avoid due to inflammation. Also, almond milk uses lots of water. Might be best to skip accessible non-dairy milk."
“Processed meats are listed as a class 2 carcinogen. That stuff that we were told to put on our sandwiches so that we’d have some protein is horrible for us.”
15 Physical Traits That Might Make You Less Dateable
Physical attraction is an essential factor in many romantic relationships. However, it’s important to remember that everyone has different preferences. Read here.