"Not everything is worth spending on, as people grow mindful of their financial choices. A query prompted, "Despite ample money, what's one item you won't buy?" Here are top responses."
“Bottled water. Have you seen the one making the rounds on TikTok where the lady buys like 60$ tap water bottled in a glass sphere? Silliest thing ever.”
“YouTube premium. I cannot bear to pay for it.” $50 T-SHIRT
“Any of these 50$ t-shirts that I keep hearing about. That’s just dumb, and I don’t care how comfy they supposedly are.”
"Fancy house or car? Not for me. My friends have pond-side homes and canoes, but I prefer simpler things. Given $50k for a car, I'd happily choose a $10-15k used one."
14 Biggest Issues with Religion According to People: Do You Agree?
Like anything else in this world, each one of us has a different opinion about religion in our eyes. What’s your single most-concerning issue? Find out here.