"George Washington and the cherry tree" is a taught fable. Not truly American history, Columbus knew the Earth was round. Its huge diameter led people to believe a western sea route to India was impossible.
"I get irritated by life expectancy discussions. Adult life expectancy is far different than that of a child. In 1900, overall expectancy was 47 due to child mortality. However, adults who reached 40 could expect to live until 70, a figure not too dissimilar from today. If you reached 60 in 1841, you could expect to live till 74. That's just a decade's improvement over 180 years."
"Rosa Parks' refusal to give up her seat was not spontaneous. As secretary of the local NAACP, her protest was pre-planned and replicated Claudette Colvin's protest. Chosen for her TV appeal, Parks' seemingly impromptu act was staged." source
"The US government didn't give Native Americans smallpox blankets; it's a myth based on a fraudulent paper. British forces did during the French and Indian War. The US committed other atrocities towards Native Americans."
"People think America only had one Depression, but when Jackson ended the charter for the Second Bank, real estate crashed. The effects surfaced during Van Buren's term, causing his loss. Other bank runs occurred in 1873, 1893, 1907. More info here."