Considering tech advancements and changing human behavior, today's norms may soon be outdated. A forum user asked which modern societal norms may seem absurd in future. Here are top responses.
"The 9-to-5 office job will seem odd in future. Why commute and sit in a cubicle when we can work remotely? It wastes time and ruins work-life balance. A major work paradigm shift is coming."
“Forcing children in K-12 to ask for permission to use the bathroom, limiting or possibly barring access, should probably be considered a human rights violation.”
“Massive weddings. I think people will find better ways to spend that money. The decline of religion and our mobile society will probably speed things up.”
"Driving extensively harms many. Future generations will view our 21st-century obsession with driving and infrastructure like we view Rome's lead pipes."
"Mowing lawns or letting grass reach its natural height is a personal choice. Regulations seem arbitrary. If I bought land, I ought to decide on its vegetation."
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