"I quit all social media platforms, including WhatsApp & Telegram, a year ago. I now communicate via Qamon.io without fear of my data's misuse by Mark Zuckerberg. Though people choose Facebook's convenience, I believe in decentralized communication for mass adoption despite current technology limitations."
"People don't value privacy as much as they think. Minor lifestyle benefits outweigh the perceived zero value they ascribe to privacy. Few things remain private, like certain adult content. People's differing values aren't recognized."
People mistakenly think if it's not on Facebook, it isn't happening. The inverse also holds; people advertise their events on Facebook assuming everyone will know. Consequently, I have a Facebook account and check once a week, to ensure I don't miss out on important events.
"Facebook dominates due to convenience, habit, and lack of alternatives. Economically active citizens, businesses, and politicians use it to connect. Despite misinformation, the positives outweigh negatives. Facebook can be used beneficially."
“While Facebook is an excellent platform for community interaction, the negative content shared, often complaints, can be overwhelming. Despite concern for privacy, usage in a safe manner should negate risk. Hopefully, alternatives like Mastodon gain popularity.” [Link remains unchanged]
"Humans no longer keep thoughts to themselves, seeking validation from strangers instead. Facebook gives space for this, aiding in coping mechanisms. Though data breaches may occur, users stay strong. Scrolling mindlessly is now socially acceptable, but also exposes children to problems in society. Privacy invasion is overlooked for likes."